Venture Capital Fund
- To develop TMT’s profile against a backdrop of very few listed peers and communicate the dynamics of investing in unlisted, promising early stage companies through a listed company on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM)
- Develop core materials and factsheet, social media channels, explain specific terminology and media training set up.
- Focus on educating target audiences on TMT’s highly diversified portfolio of over 30 later early stage companies via highly specific targeting of relevant reporters
- Establish one to one relationships with key media, develop attendance at private investor events and maintain all-round co-ordination of news flow from a diversified portfolio
- Core group of media followers created, leading to profiling and coverage in target media
- Managed news flow around exits and new investments to generate long-term investor interest
- Share price trading in line with Net Asset Value (NAV)
- Explaining the dynamics of identifying, selecting and investing in a diversified portfolio of over 40 early stage internet companies
For more information visit TMT Investments PLC